Experiments in Biochemistry
147 pages. $34.95

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Experiments in Biochemistry


  1. Separation Techniques
  2. Dialysis
  3. Lyophilization
  4. Qualitative Tests for Inorganic Matter
  5. Carbohydrate Study
  6. Lipid Study
  7. Amino Acid Study
  8. Electrophoresis
  9. Column Chromatography
  10. Isoelectric Points
  11. Isolation and Purification of an Enzyme
  1. Enzymatic Activity
  2. Optical Activity
  3. Iodine Number
  4. Ashing of Raw Food
  5. Spectrophotometric Determination of Reducing Sugars in Food
  6. Extraction of DNA from Bacterial Cells
  7. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Fragment Analysis
  8. DNA Fingerprinting
  9. The Glucose Tolerance Test

    Various Appendices

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